Summary In 1925, renowned British explorer Percy Harrison Fawcett and his two companions disappeared in the Amazon jungles in search of a hidden ancient civilization he dubbed Z. Since then, hundreds of explorers and rescuers also vanished in search of Fawcett and his team, and the Lost City of Z. Journalist and author David Grann…
book reviews
Troubled by Rob Henderson – A Book Review
Summary Troubled by Rob Henderson is a memoir of foster care, family, and social class, as explained by Rob Henderson. Henderson grew up in the foster care system in Los Angeles and later went on to graduate from Yale and Cambridge University. Henderson shares what it’s like growing up in foster homes, the impacts of…
Monthly Reads | September 2023
Welcome back to another month of monthly reads! As fall is settling in, there’s no better time than to cozy up with a new read. Check out what I’ve been reading lately and if it’s worth a shot or not! *Links go to Goodreads and Amazon CA. Any of these books caught your attention?! Let…
Monthly Reads | June 2023
New segment alert! I absolutely love reading but writing dedicated review posts for every single book I read is not my forte. I figured a monthly round-up is the way to go with brief reviews of the book! All links directs to Goodreads. Artificial Condition (The Murderbot Diaries #2) by Martha Wells Rating: 3/5. An…
Monthly Reads | May 2023
Check out some mini book reviews for the month of May and let me know if you’ve read any or if any of these peaks your interest! All links directs to Goodreads. A Stone’s Throw: Memoir of a Dope Fiend by Scott A. Spackey Rating: 3/5. I honestly stumbled across this memoir while trying to…