


Last weekend, my friend and I talked about relationship problems. It was refreshing to hear a man’s perspective because oftentimes, I usually hear it from the woman’s perspective. I’m sure you’re all familiar with this scenario. Where two individuals start seeing each other but it’s not been defined and he/she/they is starting to give the other person mixed signals. One person seems to be giving more than the other. One person is starting to get confused and stressed out. I’ve been on both spectrums of this scenario. I’ve been a victim and I’ve been the one who was “playing” as well. Both are not a fun place to be, especially if you’re the one relentlessly chasing the other person. From…

As I’m entering my 30s in a few months, I’ve come to realize a lot about friendship. Yes, even when you’re 29 years old and “have the world figured out”, friendship is something that is a life journey. As tough as it sounds, it’s difficult to say that your best friends today are going to be with you in 80 years. To make your life a little better, here are my top 6 “friends” you need to say goodbye to. These “friends” are unhealthy and just baggage. 1. The Freeloader. If you still have a freeloader in your life, you’re losing out on your hard-earned money! Yes, it’s fine to spot a person when the time calls for it, but…

One of the most underrated breakups is friendship breakups. Nobody talks about how breaking up with your best friend can hurt this much, and sometimes, even worse than breaking up with a partner! As we progress through our twenties and thirties, many of us are going to find ourselves at a crossroads with our best friend(s) and contemplate whether is it time to move on from the friendship.  Whether you and your best friend are no longer in sync and not sure what to do, or you’ve just recently been “dumped”, I got you covered on how to move on from your friendship breakup.  I’m thinking of breaking up with my best friend. What should I do? Figure out your…