


I don’t know about you but I love CNBC’s Millennial Money and Refinery29’s Money Diaries. Maybe it’s because I love to snoop, but there’s something interesting about learning how someone spends their money. Since I enjoy it so much, I’d share my monthly money diaries!  Without ado, here’s my September 2024 money diary. Introduction to my Money Diary My income is $26,000 per year as I’m on maternity leave. This income is from my employment insurance from the government. For my money diaries, I only calculate my disposable income. I do not include any investments as part of my income because I do not consider my dividends or compound interest disposable; it automatically gets re-invested. My money diary focuses on…

I got laid off in the middle of August, with only 2.5 months left on my maternity leave; the company shut down so it’s all within legal means. Despite seeing it coming, I felt a little weird receiving the notice. It is, after all, my first layoff. The average person may feel stressed out right away. My friend got laid off back in April and was stressed out instantly. With an infant in tow, you would think I would be extra stressed out, knowing that I no longer have a job to return to, nor would I be eligible for employment insurance since I did not work during my year-long maternity leave. Enter emergency funds (EF). My emergency funds are…

I don’t know about you but I love CNBC’s Millennial Money and Refinery29’s Money Diaries. Maybe it’s because I love to snoop but there’s something about learning how someone spends their money is interesting. Since I enjoy it so much, I’d share my monthly money diaries! Without ado, here’s my August 2024 money diary. Introduction to my Money Diary My income is $26,000 per year as I’m on maternity leave. This income is from my employment insurance from the government. I do not include any investments as part of my income because I don’t touch any of my dividends or compound interest. My money diary focuses on daily expenses; if there’s an interest in how much I invest, I can…

I don’t know about you but I love CNBC’s Millennial Money and Refinery29’s Money Diaries. Maybe it’s because I love to snoop but there’s something about learning how someone spends their money is interesting. Since I enjoy it so much, I’d share my monthly money diaries! Without ado, here’s my July 2024 money diary. Week of July 1 – 6 Total: $395.70 Week of July 7 – 13 Total: $324.56 Week of July 14 – 20 Total: $69.60 Week of July 21 – 27 Total: $281.22 Week of 28 – 31 Total: $400.38 Reflections: This month I actually attempted a no spend/no buy challenge! It’s my first time doing a financial challenge and I failed. I thought I did very…

Despite my maternity leave, my payday routine hasn’t changed since I receive bi-monthly pay from the government. The only difference is the amount! Even though maternity pay is significantly less, I still stick to my payday routine to alleviate financial stress and ensure I don’t go into debt while on leave. It also allows me to save continuously, pay bills, and spend accordingly. This routine has been with me for several years and hasn’t changed! Here’s my payday routine to help alleviate financial stress: Pre-Payday (1 or 2 days before the scheduled payday) I wrote about how I set up my bank accounts for success over here. 99% of the time, I typically have $100 sitting in my chequing account.…

I don’t know about you but I love CNBC’s Millennial Money and Refinery29’s Money Diaries. Maybe it’s because I love to snoop but there’s something about learning how someone spends their money is interesting. Since I enjoy it so much, I’d share my monthly money diaries! Without ado, here’s my June 2024 money diary. Week of June 1 – 8 Total: $690.83 Week of June 9 – 15 Total: $705.50 Week of June 16 – 22 Total: $183.78 Week of June 23 – 30 Total: $176.94 Reflections: This month was alright! I wanted to splurge a bit for Dan’s 1st Father’s Day. Reflecting, I think I need to tone down the sushi lunches – $16-17 is still a bit for…

I hate to admit it, but… sometimes I jump on fads. I mean, you don’t know it’s your thing until you give it a try, right? I remember when I felt minimalism was still new and not many people were discussing it and then during my period of giving it a shot, the entire blogosphere blew up about minimalism and decluttering and overnight, every lifestyle blogger was a subject matter expert. This isn’t a beginner’s guide on how to declutter your cramped apartment (although, maybe it’s not a bad idea to write one…). This is just my experience with decluttering and my relationship with minimalism. Long story short, decluttering and minimalism helped curb my excessive spending. It didn’t happen overnight,…