It’s that time of year again… back to school for everyone! Kids, teenagers, adults. After completing my certificate program last year, I’m happy to take a break from school again. I’m a big advocate for continuously learning so it’d probably be a few more years before I consider going back to school (for an MBA,…
Millennial Money Diary on Maternity Leave Making $26,000/yr for July 2024
I don’t know about you but I love CNBC’s Millennial Money and Refinery29’s Money Diaries. Maybe it’s because I love to snoop but there’s something about learning how someone spends their money is interesting. Since I enjoy it so much, I’d share my monthly money diaries! Without ado, here’s my July 2024 money diary. Week…
5 Practical Ways to Overcome Jealousy in Life
Jealousy, envy, whatever you want to call the green-eyed monster, it’s all part of life. We all experience this negative emotion at some point in our lives; for some, they might experience it more than others. In the past, I remember being hit with envy in the cruellest way possible… via images on Facebook. Oh,…
Millennial Money Diary on Maternity Leave for June 2024
I don’t know about you but I love CNBC’s Millennial Money and Refinery29’s Money Diaries. Maybe it’s because I love to snoop but there’s something about learning how someone spends their money is interesting. Since I enjoy it so much, I’d share my monthly money diaries! Without ado, here’s my June 2024 money diary. Week…
My Experience with a Private Vocational Career College in Canada (and the Truth About Them)
When CBC first published their investigation into the exploitation of international students and the business of private vocational career colleges, it instantly brought me back to my experience as a Canadian in a private vocational career college. It’s something that I take a keen interest in because the grim reality is that these private vocational…
How I Became a Victim of Fraud Embezzlement
In the summer of 2013, I went through an eye-opening experience. I was a victim of fraud embezzlement. At first, I was extremely embarrassed to share my story with anyone so I kept it to myself and only ever shared it via an anonymous guest post on my friend’s blog a while back. To give…
How and Why Decluttering Worked For Me
I hate to admit it, but… sometimes I jump on fads. I mean, you don’t know it’s your thing until you give it a try, right? I remember when I felt minimalism was still new and not many people were discussing it and then during my period of giving it a shot, the entire blogosphere…
7 Ways to Financially Party Smarter
Spring is just around the corner, and with warmer days, we’re more inclined to go out and have some fun, and let loose, but in today’s economy, it’s easy to feel like having fun can cost a fortune. Here are several ways to financially party smarter because it is possible to have fun without breaking…