Remembering Peasants: A Personal History of a Vanished World by Patrick Joyce is a non-fiction book about the history of peasants in Europe, mostly in Ireland. It also serves as a slight memoir of Joyce’s family history.
Not what I was hoping for this book to be. I was expecting more of a journalist collecting personal stories from peasants about their daily lives. Instead, it’s a very dry history of peasants – defining peasants, the population and decline of peasants, life and death rituals, houses, etc.
The topics and chapters were poorly arranged throughout the book, and I found the syntax difficult to follow. Several times I found myself thinking this chapter is unnecessarily long, with paragraphs that don’t seem to fit the topic. I finished it but it came at a price.
Now, I have learned a few tidbits about peasants here and there, and I enjoyed the photographs shared in the book. But, ultimately, I felt this to be as dry as a university textbook.
I think the book could’ve been great if it went through a few more rounds of editing. If the chapters were better organized, and the writing more concise, it would’ve offered a smoother read.
Rating & Recommendation
I rate this book a 2 out of 5. It’s dry, long, and confusing. I wouldn’t recommend it unless you are interested in learning about peasants.
Check out Remembering Peasants: A Personal History of a Vanished World by Patrick Joyce on Goodreads or Amazon Canada.
Rating scale:
1 out of 5 = Hated it!
2 out of 5 = Didn’t like it.
3 out of 5 = It was okay.
4 out of 5 = It was great!
5 out of 5 = Absolutely loved it!

I love your honest review!! It’s important to not sugar coat your opinion So, that It’ll help someone who is looking to read this book to know what to expect. Thank you for sharing your honest opinion
I appreciate your comment! I was worried that I was being too harsh but I agree – it’s important to not sugar coat our opinions. I hope others find this review insightful too.