via Tumblr; blog unknown.

Jealousy, envy, whatever you want to call the green-eyed monster, it’s all part of life. We all experience this negative emotion at some point in our lives; for some, they might experience it more than others.

In the past, I remember being hit with envy in the cruellest way possible… via images on Facebook. Oh, what fun social media can bring to your life! The guy I had feelings for was tagged in some photos getting cozy with a girl on the beach.

In the past, I’ve always prided myself on not being jealous, and I still do. When I’m in a relationship, I seldom get jealous because I trust my partner. However, when something isn’t mine, I get jealous/envious.

And, the feeling sucks. I hate having a negative emotion linger in me for a long time.

So, here’s 5 ways I beat jealousy/envy:

Remove yourself from the situation

via Tumblr; blog unknown.

It’s as simple as that. In my case, I blocked the guy I had feelings for on Facebook and refrained from visiting the girl’s page. Think about it: if you’re feeling bad about a photo, why torture yourself and constantly visit that page? Do whatever it takes to remove yourself from the situation whether it be deleting/unfollowing someone, blocking them, or walking away and “avoiding” them for a while until your feelings are gone.

Don’t compare yourself

Never compare yourself to another. Why?

Because there’s nothing to compare with. Each person is different – we have different ways of talking, walking, hobbies, interests, etc. You can’t compare yourself to someone who’s entirely different and think you’re no better than them because of how different you two are. Sure, they may have something you want or like but that doesn’t mean you can’t have the same thing. Do they have your crush? Get over your crush and move on to someone who would take an interest in you.

Talk about it

via Tumblr; blog unknown.

Sometimes, we jump to conclusions on things we don’t fully understand. Why not talk about it and get the real picture? Get the story from their side. Sometimes, things aren’t always what they seem. Some friends are closer than others. Some girls are generally just chirpy and not flirty. Talk it out with that person to clear the air and get straight to the point.

Treat yourself

Battle your negative emotions with positive ones. I like to treat myself to a Frappucino or sushi whenever I feel negative. And, if you’re in the mood to hang out with your girlfriends, talk it out with your friends. I showed the cozy pictures to Sara and she instantly offered moral support and tried to talk to the guy to see if she could get a clearer picture.

Motivate yourself

via Tumblr; blog unknown.

Jealousy is an insanely powerful emotion. Use that to motivate you to succeed in life and reach a goal. So, your person drives a BMW? Work your way to a BMW. Does the person have a nice body? Hit the gym 10x harder. Curbing jealousy by transforming it into energy and motivation is the best thing you can do to get over your jealousy!

Jealousy is part of life but it shouldn’t affect your daily living too much. It’s often easier said than done to get rid of some emotions. If you learn to control your emotions, it gets easier. The best way is to acknowledge your emotions, try ways to improve your situation and/or emotions, and try to move on as quickly as possible.

Let me know in the comments section below if you have specific methods for dealing with jealousy and envy!

Pin it!
With love, Claire


  1. Really liked this article. I think it’s a good perspective on things to ask yourself and ways to handle it. It’s hard to know sometimes whether it’s a question of “is it the other person doing something wrong?” versus ” am I being insecure because I’m afraid?”. This was a very interesting journey to read. I love your thoughts on this thanks!

  2. Really liked this article. I think it’s a good perspective on things to ask yourself and ways to handle it. It’s hard to know sometimes whether it’s a question of “is it the other person doing something wrong?” versus ” am I being insecure because I’m afraid?”. This was a very interesting journey to read. I love your thoughts on this thanks!

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