I don’t know about you but I love CNBC’s Millennial Money and Refinery29’s Money Diaries. Maybe it’s because I love to snoop, but there’s something interesting about learning how someone spends their money. Since I enjoy it so much, I’d share my monthly money diaries!  Without ado, here’s my September 2024 money diary. Introduction to my Money Diary My income is $26,000 per year as I’m on maternity leave. This income is from my employment insurance from the government. For my money diaries, I only calculate my disposable income. I do not include any investments as part of my income because I do not consider my dividends or compound interest disposable; it automatically gets re-invested. My money diary focuses on…

I got laid off in the middle of August, with only 2.5 months left on my maternity leave; the company shut down so it’s all within legal means. Despite seeing it coming, I felt a little weird receiving the notice. It is, after all, my first layoff. The average person may feel stressed out right away. My friend got laid off back in April and was stressed out instantly. With an infant in tow, you would think I would be extra stressed out, knowing that I no longer have a job to return to, nor would I be eligible for employment insurance since I did not work during my year-long maternity leave. Enter emergency funds (EF). My emergency funds are…

Summary Sarah is a recent widow with a toddler and a child on the way. After the death of her husband, secrets began to unravel about her dead husband. Unable to support herself and driven to protect her family from those who thought they were close friends, she accepts help from her mother-in-law. Thoughts This was a page-turner! A few nights I regretted staying up late reading the book and paid the price dearly the next morning. This thriller has it all – suspense, rich old ladies, drama, secrets, and unexpectedly… A cult! Despite it being a page-turner, I found the beginning of the book to be annoying. I couldn’t help but think… “Again?! This lady can’t get a break!”.…